Monday 15 April 2013


Date:  23 March 2013
Day:  Saturday
Time: 9.00a.m - 4.00p.m

Picture Description


The weather  was clement , neither too hot nor too cold, for an exciting and memorable amazing race. The clear blue sky accompanied us in the amazing race. The Marina Bay Sands hotel was tall and majestic.
As you can see from the picture, we felt happy and excited and also thrilled. This photo was taken after we finished the first pit stop at the Gardens by the Bay. The first pit stop or also known as first station, we were required to measure the height of the silver leaf using the angle of depression method. The first challenge which was given in the first station was quite tough however it was also addictive and beneficial as we got to use our mathematics in real life finally. This photo symbolize our unity and commitment in our group. The beautiful landscape in this photo make the photo looks complete.


This picture above was taken due to a task which challenged our creativity and team cooperation. We ensured that when we did the stuns for the shot, safety comes first. We enjoyed ourselves by doing the “jumpshots”. In our personal view, this year’s amazing race had certainly been amazing . It was exciting and educating. Seem to be the boys are dominating in the picture as the boys posing were much better than the girls.  For your information, this was the 4th pit stop in our AAM amazing race. We were in the first position after the first station until the end of the race. In this photo,


So of course there were a secret behind our success in the amazing race. What values have we gained throughout the race ?
There are some values that we gained in the race:1) Teamwork
                                                                          2) Adaptability
                                                                          3) Open-mindedness

1)  Teamwork
Some of the tasks required us to work as a team.  One “bad apple” can definitely spoil the bunch, but when students inspire each other in positive ways, whether it’s not breaking class rules or working hard to achieve academic success, everyone wins. This includes teamwork between teacher and individual students.  Paired students who don’t get along well may suddenly see each other in a new light after working together on a team building activity and may even become friends. Students who are natural leaders can help those who are shy or lacking in confidence, and the end result will be gratifying to both when they succeed together.

     2)      Adaptability
Sometime in life, some event that we do not want to happen happened  example fans in classroom are not working . If a student is equip with the value of easy to adapt, he will have ease in adjusting to a situation.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."

3) 0pen- mindedness

The 7 Benefits of Being Open-Minded in life:
·    Letting go of control. When you open your mind, you free yourself from having to be in complete control of your thoughts. You allow yourself to experience new ideas and thoughts and you challenge the beliefs you currently have. It can be very liberating to look at the world through an open mind.
·    Experiencing changes. Opening up your mind to new ideas allows you to the opportunity to change what you think and how you view the world. Now, this doesn't mean you necessarily will change your beliefs, but you have the option to when you think with an open mind.

·    Making yourself vulnerable. One of the scariest (and greatest) things about seeing the world through an open mind is making yourself vulnerable. In agreeing to have an open-minded view of the world, you're admitting you don't know everything and that there are possibilities you may not have considered. This vulnerability can be both terrifying and exhilarating.

·    Making mistakes. Making mistakes doesn't seem like it would be much of a benefit, but it truly is. When you open your mind and allow yourself to see things from others' perspectives, you allow yourself not only to recognise potential mistakes you've made, but also to make new mistakes. Doesn't sound like much fun, but it's a great thing to fall and get back up again.

·    Strengthening yourself. Open-mindedness provides a platform on which you can build, piling one idea on top of another. With an open mind you can learn about new things and you can use the new ideas to build on the old ideas. Everything you experience can add up, strengthening who you are and what you believe in. It's very hard to build on experiences without an open mind.

·    Gaining confidence. When you live with an open mind, you have a strong sense of self. You are not confined by your own beliefs, nor are you confined by the beliefs of others. For that reason, you are able to have and gain confidence as you learn more and more about the world around you. Open-mindedness helps you to learn and grow, strengthening your belief in yourself. 

·    Being honest. There is an honesty that comes with an open mind because being open-minded means admitting that you aren't all-knowing. It means believing that whatever truth you find might always have more to it than you realise. This understanding creates an underlying sense of honesty that permeates the character of anyone who lives with an open mind.

The Two suggested places

1) Sentosa’s nature walk

  • Embark on Sentosa’s nature walk Sentosa Island isn’t all about bronzing your body or going to some of Singapore’s most touristy attractions. One of the island’s top attractions is the ‘Nature Walk and Dragon’s Trail’ which begins only meters from the island’s famous cable car. If you decide to go on the trek, keep an eye out for the creepy crawlies
  • !The 1.8-km Nature Walk then meanders through a secondary rain forest, giving you a chance to learn all about the birds, insects, wildlife, habitats and plants that can be found on Sentosa. And it doesn't stop there. You'll also pick up a variety of nature detective skills to use wherever your travels take you next! Keep your eyes peeled for interesting vegetation such as insectivorous pitcher plants and Tembusu trees. You may also be lucky enough to spot long-tailed macaques, squirrels, geckos, and over 20 species of birds.
  • There, the task could be naming different types of flora and fauna in the picture given and describe them briefly. This helps us know more about nature which currently not covered in secondary four syllabus. This activity will increase our general knowledge.
  • Sentosa Nature Discovery, nature and fun go hand-in-hand. Enjoy exploring a fascinating gallery of interactive exhibits to brush up your science process skills and dive into the jungle to explore the wilderness. By visiting this place, we get to know more about nature.

2) Fort canning park

  • Located on a hill, Fort Canning Park is one of Singapore's most historic landmarks. It has witnessed Singapore's golden age, when Malay Kings ruled from its peak, and watched as the island transformed into a vibrant trading port in the 19th century. During World War II, the hill was instrumental in Singapore's war efforts with numerous military buildings located there. 
  • One of these buildings was the Fort Canning Bunker or Battle Box, where the decision to surrender Singapore to the Japanese was made by the British. Many artefacts from Singapore's colourful history have survived on the hill and are still visible today. The ancient glory of the hill has been recreated and featured in the World of Temasek - a free online virtual game set in the 14th century kingdom of Temasek..
  • Visit the park today and experience the tranquillity once enjoyed by the Malay royals of yore.Also we can learn Singapore's history just by taking strolling throughout the park such as Singapore's colonial history. Also we can visit Keramat Iskandar Shah and read brief history about his life journey besides his tomb.
  • There, the assigned task in the place is to find the answer to the question given. The question will be in form of general history question or naming some building or gates in the fort canning park.

We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the AAM mentors for helping us to prepare for our most important exam which is the 'O' Level Exams. We treated them like big brothers and sisters! Now, they had decided to organise an amazing race for both of the Secondary 4 and 5 students of Madrasah Al-Junied Al-Islamiyah 2013!